Therapy, Support, and Counseling Ministry.
Grounded in the Gospel concepts of peace and human dignity, the Franciscan Renewal Center provides brief therapy from volunteers who have education and experience as licensed behavioral health professionals in the community and students in the therapy professions.
Although the Casa follows the Catholic tradition, this therapy is extended to people of all faiths or no particular faith at all.
​We do not diagnose or treat major mental health concerns in the Therapy, Support, and Counseling Ministry (TSCM), however, we offer more than 60 hours per week of donated therapy services through the generosity of these incredible professionals who come to the Casa for just a few hours each week to volunteer their time as an outreach to the community.
No one is ever turned away due to lack of funds or insurance.
Donations for one-on-one therapy and support group sessions are suggested. Click here for online donations.
The TSCM follows the example of St. Francis of Assisi, who reached out to both the marginalized and the privileged members of society – to all people in pain and in need.​
With patience and without blame, we welcome all who are hurting or stumbling through difficult life transitions.
One-on-One Therapy (18+).
Appointment Required
Our therapists volunteer their time to help individuals, families, or couples cope with life’s challenges — such as relationship issues, stress, depression/anxiety and personal growth.
Because our therapists volunteer their time, a donation is suggested for each one-on-one session, though no one is turned away due to lack of funds or insurance.
Support Groups.
Our support groups are settings in which common difficult experiences can be shared among those who know what you’re feeling and can reassure you that you are not alone.
These gatherings can generate practical tips and resources, new information that can lead to new hope, or simply a smile of solidarity.
Monthly support groups are available at the Casa and are facilitated by our volunteer therapists, who also happen to have personal experience with the topic of the group.
Appointments are not required, however schedules may change (especially during holiday periods), so please call to confirm times and dates.
Grief & Loss Support Group
Second Wednesday of each month
5:30 - 7:00 pm
Become a Counselor.
The Casa has an ongoing need for licensed behavioral health professionals who are willing to volunteer their time to provide brief solution-focused therapy through our Therapy, Support, and Counseling Ministry. The TSCM at the Casa is a donation-based ministry and no one is ever turned away due to lack of funds. It’s an excellent way for mental health professionals to be of service to the greater community.
As one of our volunteer therapists you would serve people of all income levels, lifestyles, backgrounds, faiths, or no particular faith at all.
We also provide associate-level licensees the opportunity to receive clinical supervision hours from an LCSW supervisor as they provide their volunteer therapy sessions.
The presence of this ministry is a response to a call of solidarity with those who are emotionally wounded. It has a responsibility to create an environment of hospitality, teaching and presence that is conducive to healing. This, in turn, leads to communion in the fullest sense of the word.
We depend on qualified, licensed behavioral health professionals like you to help.
For inquiries, please contact:
Ryan M. Sheade, LCSW
Director of Therapy, Support, and Counseling Ministry
480.948.7460, ext. 134
Support Us.
One-on-One Therapy Donations
Your therapy has value, and your donation is appreciated. The suggested amount is $50 per session. Amounts greater or lesser than this are gratefully accepted.
Support Group Donations
The support group that you have attended has value, and your donation is appreciated. The suggested amount is $10 per session. Amounts greater or lesser than this are gratefully accepted.
Donations for one-on-one therapy and support group sessions are not considered tax-related donations until they exceed the estimated value of the service rendered ($50 per one-on-one therapy session and $10 per support group session).